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General Discussion Forum

Welcome and Getting Started with Our Website
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Welcome to the Platte River Chapter of SCI website! I'm using this forum as a way to provide some initial information for members and prospective members.

First, any visitor to our website can read forum content. But only chapter members who are logged into the website can post in the forum. However, chapter members can't log in right now because we are working to resolve some membership recordkeeping differences with SCI International before we upload our membership list to the website. (Chapter members must also be members of SCI International.) When the upload is accomplished, you'll receive an email message with your login information, and when you're logged in, you'll have access to members-only information, such as meeting minutes and financials.

When you first log in, please take a few minutes to fill out your profile information. You have many options for how you will use the website and choosing your preferences will make your day-to-day interactions with the site much easier. One very cool feature: you can post a photo album of your hunts for other members to enjoy.

Later this fall, we expect to activate a website feature that allows new members to join and members to renew with credit cards. (Member will receive email messages when it's time to renew.) You'll also be able to register and pay for chapter activities online, such as the 2022 Chapter Convention.

The forum you're reading now is for discussions of topics of interest to hunters of all kinds, and general announcements for the chapter. We can add more forums for specific interests -- for specific kinds of game, for example. When you are able to post here, let us know what other forums you would find useful.

We are continuing to develop the Platte River Chapter, so please visit the website again soon to see what's new!

~ Cheryl Stubbendieck, website administrator.

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