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Platte River Chapter of SCI Donates $5,000 to Support the Hunters’ Embassy in Washington, DC

August 19, 2024

The Platte River Chapter of SCI is dedicated to our mission of protecting the freedom to hunt and promoting wildlife conservation in Nebraska. Representing Nebraska hunters, we are proud to advocate and support hunting and its benefits on wildlife conservation at the state level.

“Ethical hunting is at the forefront of wildlife management,” stated president of the board, Shane Westcott. “Nebraska’s diverse wildlife population, spanning across the entire state, is a treasure for our current generation and future generations. I am proud to play a small part in protecting their rights,” he stated.

Recently, the chapter donated $5,000 to SCI International’s Foundation to help support lobbying for hunter’s rights and wildlife conservation. The Hunters’ Embassy, located on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, is used for SCI’s International, federal, state and local government advocacy efforts.

“Our chapter supports organizations that align with our mission, support the values of our members and fight for the rights of hunters,” stated Westcott, “we promise to remain first for hunters and first for wildlife.”